“Wanna go to Vietnam….” That is how it all started. A good friend of mine and someone who really impacted my spiritual life, Tim Cypert, sent me an email that started with the same greeting. As I read his email and subsequently read his blog (http://timcypert.blogspot.com- scroll down to July) of a trip he made in July of this year, God began to put a tickle in my soul. At the same time this email also reached several of my friends (accountability partners) and they felt the same urging of God. So after praying and discussing with these men and our families, we have decided to journey to Vietnam this December 27-January 4 to serve with the Lost Orphans organization. www.lostorphans.org.
Lost Orphans is all about rescuing children from abortion and abandonment. In the 2.5 years of its existence they have been able to rescue over 60 children, give hope to many birth moms considering abortion, assisted thousands of impoverished Vietnamese with food, finances, and Bibles, and erected a beautiful 10,000 sf orphanage! What is more fun than that? We will be taking part in the food distribution, bible distribution, ministering to the children of the orphanage, and traveling to a new site to pray over a future Lost Orphans home in another part of Vietnam.
So that brings me to my question……… Wanna go? I know that you will not be able to go physically with me at this time, but you can go with me in prayer, which is so desperately needed! You can also join me by financially supporting me on this trip. I know times are tough and to do this for many of you will really stretch your budget, but I can promise to you that Lost Orphans is an organization that is really making a difference every single day! If you would like a detailed cost sheet, let me know and I will break down where your money goes. Remember that 100% of your donations are tax-deductible. You will be able to track our journey on my blog http://sixnineten.blogspot.com, where I will post updates and photos while on the trip.
Here are more details about joining my team.
Pray – We need wisdom on how best to rescue these children for the duration of their lives. We need wisdom on how to become a major influence in the communities we are in, for the glory of God. We need favor in the eyes of the local governments. We want to see these children attain the ultimate adoption…by God, as His child!
Give – The trip will cost about $3000/person. I need financial support. You can join me financially by sending a tax-deductible check to First Melissa – First Melissa is the sponsoring church for this trip. Mail to my attention at the address P.O. Box 158, Rockwall, TX 75087. You can place my name on the memo of the check. You can also support us online by visiting www.firstmelissa.com. The donate button is on the main page. If you choose to do this, please email and let me know so I can notify them and make sure the money is credited to my trip.
If you feel led to pray or give, please write an email to me at mshenry20@yahoo.com or call me at 214/288-7775 and let me know.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:9-10
In Him
Michael Henry
Your Bag of Randomness for Thursday, March 6, 2025
I really don’t have an answer, and I wonder if the answer differs from
high school, NCAA, and NBA. And, I’m not sure why, but I get a kick that
this is c...
2 days ago
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