I wanted to update all on our trip next month to Vietnam:
Myself, Bill Mckown, Aaron Swanson, Charlie Morgan, Kim Cook, and Tim Cypert, have now been joined by my father Mike Henry, Charlie's 7 year old daughter Emily, and Jennifer Wurster a long time family friend and member of our small group. We will be traveling with a total of 20 people to Vietnam, Dec 27-Jan 4 to serve with the Lost Orphans organization. www.lostorphans.org.
We will be working with the orphans and birth moms that live there and serving with the nuns to feed the hungry, pass out bibles, love the people, and scout out a site for a new orphanage in another part of the country.
This whole process has been awesome; God has blown all of us away in so many ways, and confirmed us at every turn. Just our little part of the group (8 of us) has raised about 85% of the $23,000 needed in a little over 8 weeks.
I (we) want to thank everyone for their words, prayers, and financial support. Your continued prayers are needed: pray for the trip, the people going, the people we will serve, and also for our preparations, scheduling, and our families we will leave behind. God is already working in a mighty way in many of our lives.
Also I challenge you to check out the Lost Orphans website and look at ways to support this ministry.
You can follow our journey on my feeble attempt at a blog.http://sixnineten.blogspot.com/
Your Bag of Randomness for Thursday, March 6, 2025
I really don’t have an answer, and I wonder if the answer differs from
high school, NCAA, and NBA. And, I’m not sure why, but I get a kick that
this is c...
2 days ago